Are you suffering from depression?
What is a Depression?
We all have moments in our lives when we feel sad or have negative thoughts. Usually those feelings disappear of their own accord, but sometimes such feelings can persist for months or even years. In this case, you may be suffering from depression.

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Depressive disorder
The meaning of depression
Someone has a depressive disorder when mood complaints last for over two weeks. How these complaints become apparent varies from person to person.
Common symptoms
There are a number of symptoms with which you can identify depression. The signs of depression listed below are the most common complaints experienced by someone who is depressed.
- Depressed or gloomy mood
- Loss of interest
- Insomnia or sleeping too much
- Restlessness or inertia
- Fatigue, loss of energy
- Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
- Concentration and memory problems, indecision
- Recurring thougths of death or suicide
- Weight loss or gain
- indecisiveness
- Feeling of loneliness
- Depressed or gloomy mood
- Loss of interest
- Insomnia or sleeping too much
- Restlessness or inertia
- Fatigue, loss of energy
- Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
- Concentration and memory problems, indecision
- Recurring thougths of death or suicide
- Weight loss or gain
- indecisiveness
- Feeling of loneliness
Different types
There are various types of depression. You can read about the most common variants below.
One-off or recurring
If your depressive symptoms keep coming back multiple times you might be experiencing a recurring depression.
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness. You can recognize the disorder by the alternation of extremely gloomy or manic episodes. Bipolar disorder is also known as manic-depressive disorder.
A chronic depression is also called a dysthymia or dysthymic disorder. If you suffer from dysthymic depression, you have been chronically depressed for at least two years. The features of dysthymia are often less noticeable than 'normal' depression and the depressive symptoms can sometimes subside for a short time.
When you suffer from a seasonal depression you experience depressive symptoms every year in the same season. For most people this manifests itself in a winter depression, but an autumn depression, summer depression or spring depression is also possible.
Some women suffer from a gloomy mood for months after giving birth. If the mood complaints persist, we call this a postpartum depression or postnatal depression.

Depression treatment
At U-center we work intensively on your recovery from depression. The chance of having another depression increases if you have already experienced depressive episodes before. Some people are also genetically predisposed to becoming depressed. Even more important than recovery, therefore, is learning to recognize the warning signs of a potential relapse early on, and knowing what to do to limit possible damage. That is why at U-center, you will also make a personal development plan for the future so you can cope better if you do ever have a relapse. By using the tools you gain at U-center, it is possible to enjoy a good quality of life, even if you have suffered from depression in the past.
Admission for depressionRead more about our approach
U-center programme
U-center treats the person, not just the condition. We look beyond the depression and start working with a number of essential basic therapies. For depression, this is primarily cognitive behavioural therapy, with medical support where needed. Additional treatments include acceptance and commitment therapy, chronotherapy (to optimise biorhythms), body-oriented and expression therapies as well as treatments directed at lifestyle change. U-center also pays attention to underlying issues and personality traits in individual consultations, group, partner and systems therapy. It is important that you become active again and build up a daily routine and structure as well as your physical condition. The treatment takes place in a dedicated multidisciplinary team with a variety of professionals tailored to your specific situation.
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Short waiting times Start your treatment quickly
U-center is an expert in comorbidity We treat everything at once
Short & intensive treatment Make a U-turn in your life
Integrated and personalized approach
Mental health clinic
In fact there is no such thing as “simple” depression. Often, two or more problems are linked, such as depression and anxiety, trauma or addiction (to alcohol or drugs). There can, therefore, also be different causes or effects that keep your complaints going. Addressing all this requires customised care. That is why we choose for an integrated approach. We take into account everything that has an influence on your life and the depressive disorder - such as your personality, relationships, family situation, work and physical health. Together with the treatment team, we research the causes of the depression and help you to change as you obtain new insights into the behavioural patterns that are sustaining your symptoms. We also help you to cope with a possible vulnerability to depression, with the help of a Personal Development Plan.
Residential treatment for depression
In an intensive programme of 7 weeks, we do everything to help you make progress in a short time. In return, we also expect a serious commitment from your side. During the seven weeks, you will follow residential treatment in the healing environment of our clinic near Maastricht. Using a personal treatment plan, you set out what you want to achieve and how you are going to do this, together with your dedicated treatment team. Our clinic’s hospitality and its numerous facilities ensure that you have plenty of options for working on yourself. Over the second seven-week period, you will put the new insights and knowledge you have gained into practice under the guidance of your outpatient health professionals.
Frequently asked questions about depression and our treatment
Before you start an application, you naturally want to know more about U-center's approach, our treatment method for depression and other practical information. Has your question not yet been answered? Please contact our communication center.
At U-center we treat many psychological disorders. In particular, we specialize in the treatment of co-occurring disorders (comorbidity). However, our programme is not always suited to everyone’s needs. Read more about our criteria for treatment on our terms & conditions page.
Just being there for someone suffering from depression is sometimes enough. Often the sufferer feels isolated with their thoughts, so the feeling of being able to talk about it already helps. In case it is a loved one who is depressed, consider seeking support for yourself, because coping with a loved one who is depressed also demands a lot from you.
At U-center you can quickly go for a treatment. Within 1 day we can process your registration and take the first telephone intake. Your spot is usually available within 4 weeks.
In most cases this is the case. However, the exact coverage varies depending on which country you are living in and the terms of your health insurance. For more information please consult our cost and insurance page.
Our international treatment centre is equipped with all the necessary facilities and also provides some extras. For more information please consult our clinic facilities page.

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A new perspective in 7 weeks

Admission procedure
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